Fishnure Organic Fish Manure Compost Grows Bigger, Better Hot Peppers
For the last two growing seasons, I’ve relied on Fishnure™ to feed my hot pepper plants. I’ve been very happy with the results for my potted plants, but ecstatic about the increased size of both plants and fruit for the plants I grow in the ground. Check out the 7 Pot Primo pods I’m holding in the photo. On Amazon, Fishnure is described as a Fish Manure Organic Living Humus Compost Soil Conditioning Fertilizer with Pleasant Fresh Soil Odor for Increased Aeration,Water Retention, Fertility, and Organic Matter. There’s some heavy keyword stuffing in that title, but it’s an accurate description of the product. Fish manure is processed into a nutrient-rich organic humus compost that smells like fresh soil. No fishy or unpleasant odor.
I asked the friendly founder of Fishnure, Jim White, to give me a short summation of why he thinks Fishnure works so well. Here’s his reply:
Sustainable life on earth depends on a cycle that reuses the components that are in living organic life. When organic life reaches the end of its life cycle the cells that are made of these components must be decomposed back into the basic components in order to be used to create new life.
A majority of these dead cells will be decomposed into carbon dioxide that will be added to the atmosphere. That carbon dioxide will later be absorbed into the leaves of plants where it will be used to create more cells. Plants must also get needed components from the soil.
That is where Fishnure and humus come in. Humus is the stable organic matter in the soil. It contains the necessary organic matter and micro-life needed for natural plant growth. This is nature’s way to maintain sustainable life. The microbes will provide the nutrients that the plants need and in return the plants will provide what the microbes need.
The production of Fishnure by decomposing fish manure and a carbon source in the presence of a special clay creates humus. Carbon chains attach to the microscopic clay particles and are not converted into carbon dioxide and remain in the soil as humus. This is how Fishnure provides plants with nutrients the way nature intended.
All I know is that it’s a really effective fertilizer that easy to use. I just mix it with potting soil or work it in the ground. The friendly microbes do the rest! Here’s where to buy Fishnure.
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For your potted peppers, how much of the fishnure do you mix in, ratio-wise?
I mix it in at a ratio of 5 parts soil to 1 part Fishnure. That can get expensive if you have a lot of large pots, so I’ve also had good results adding individually to each pots when planting, adding a pound per pot. A pound is about 2.5 cups.